Montrose Compliance Services, Inc.
Montrose Compliance Services is a professional low-cost, full-service company specializing in all aspects of applied EMC engineering from conceptual design to certification. The company is also an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 EMC test laboratory for in situ certification of industrial products for CE/Korea (KRWA) using the Technical File Route.
The company focuses on educating engineers on simplified techniques based on Maxwell Made Simple concepts worldwide. Expertise lies in printed circuit board (PCB) layout and design from component level to system compliance based on sound electromagnetic physics. The principle consultant performs testing and troubleshooting to solve difficult emission and immunity problems in order to achieve EMC to any regulatory requirement regardless of environment of use. He has published many papers on EMC topics and authored five very popular textbooks all translated into Chinese, Korean and Japanese. “EMC Made Simple-Printed Circuit Board and System Design” is his newest book with “EMC Made Simple” the company tagline and a registered trademark of the company.