Universal Shielding Corp. has been designing, manufacturing, installing, and testing RF Shielded Chambers since 1972. Shielding systems such as ours are not developed without a deep understanding of the challenges faced by every customer, a wealth of knowledge in the prefabrication of individual shielding elements, and experience in assembling and testing at the site. If you have an RFI/EMI shielding problem, USC has the engineering and manufacturing expertise to provide a solution. USC is proud to offer the following products and services: RF Shielded Enclosures Model USC-26 and USC-26-H, RF Anechoic Chambers, Copper Screen Rooms, Partial Discharge Testing Enclosures, Portable Shielded Enclosure Laboratories, RF Weather Resistant Doors, HEMP Shielded Doors with Combination Locking Mechanisms, Full Line of RF Accessories including Penetration Panels, Filters, Air Vents, and Waveguide Penetrations, Facility Relocations and Upgrades.